The Truth About Cellulite Machines

It must be said that there has been a lot of rubbish written about cellulite machines and there has been a lot of money made by those unscrupulously using the vanity of the uneducated to their own benefit. Most of the universe when asked what a cellulite machine is would ask a simple question, what is a cellulite machine producing? Surely this machine was not built to manufacture more cellulite. That would sound counterproductive when the actual target of such a machine, one would suppose, is the reduction of the unsightly clumps of fat, skin and water that accumulate on the buttocks and upper thighs. So a cellulite machine should be built with the idea of reducing the amount of this material.


The most stereotypical view of a cellulite machine is the band, or other rotating object, that one puts around their hips and allows to vibrate, rub or otherwise oscillate in some fashion close to the offending areas. If one would just stop for a minute and contemplate such a device, it is clear the concept is not to rub the cellulite away but rather change the condition of the skin in some fashion. Therefore, such a cellulite machine actually promotes circulation to the skin in the area. This can do several things. It will promote new tissue growth, reduce the amount of water and other fluids close to the skin and generally improve the health of the skin. Promoting such a machine as a cellulite reducing machine is, therefore, misleading as it is perhaps only a secondary result. Unfortunately, such machines may improve the concentration of cellulite in the area, in the short term, by pushing the fluids elsewhere. More likely, if such a machine is used consistently it may improve the quality of the skin that is there and, therefore, over some amount of time may in fact reduce the amount of ripples and lumps of fat, water and old skin.

True Cellulite Reducing Machines

It is a well known fact that truly toned muscles and skin rarely exhibit these unsightly lumps of cellulite that seem to stick to the rears of most of us. How often do you see the signs of cellulite on the rippling muscles of a runner or other athlete unless their condition has changed drastically in the short term? Therefore, a true cellulite reducing machine may be any of the weight machines that actually tone the muscles in the areas of concern. As you age you might need to combine these with some stimulation of the skin itself to maintain skin health as well, but more likely, if the muscle itself is toned and there is a minimum of subcutaneous fat, then cellulite should not be a major issue for you to deal with. After all, having cellulite is not a medical condition.