Body fat is a part of life that everybody hates. During a lifetime body fat levels increase which causes ugly dimples and bulges on your stomach, thighs and bottom. Getting old and eating fast food and sugar is a major contributor in the appearance of cellulite. During pregnancy and menopause, hormonal variations occur to cause fat cells to grow which causes tissue to become hardened and compressed making it difficult for blood to circulate. This causes unnatural tension under the skin and thus it becomes bumpy, withered and uneven. There are a lot of oral and topical treatments for cellulite but the most effective treatment is the cellulite massage.
The most scientific and effective cellulite treatment is called Endermologie which is a massage to treat cellulite on the body. Endermologie uses a machine that has a gentle sucking mechanism that provides a deep massage and breaks up fat in the affected areas. The cellulite massage also consists of rollers that go over the affected area to help recontour the body into its original form. The muscle fibers are stretched out which helps restore circulation to the skin. As circulation is increased, the collagen function is restored which helps get rid of toxins and unusual water build up under the skin. This cellulite massage technique is very innovative but it is also only temporary and has to be repeated. Even though this is a temporary treatment, it is specifically designed to do away with ugly cellulite, as well as restore the body to its original contour and shape. Ugly dimples and bulges will be replaced by smooth supple rejuvenated skin.
People have been raving about this new innovative cellulite massage treatment. One person said that she has never looked better in a bathing suit and all of her friends are jealous. Another person claims to have severe pain after several surgeries and after having several treatments of the cellulite massage she no longer walks with a limp and takes less pain medication. Even the most skeptical of people have become true believers by getting rid of their "cottage cheese" thighs and looking slimmer. Another person's bottom felt lifted and firm, instead of wrinkled and saggy. Most people are saying the same thing; their skin feels smooth and supple, tone has returned to the affected areas and the cottage cheese is gone. Overall, this cellulite massage treatment has been a success and is the highest recommended form of treatment for cellulite removal.